Supreme...For All Your Writing Needs



                          Writing Essentials                                                                                                                                                      _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • Writing For The Market

A submission process requires quality writing in order to be published.


A subsidy publisher asks an author to defray costs of publishing.


Determine editorial preference is importartant when submitting to book publishers, magazines and newspapers. 


Always follow an editor's instructions if he/she proposes a change in your submission.


Wait about a month to send a reminder to an editor if there is no reply.


A magazine article should be submitted as double-spaced.


Trade Journals are intended for members of a  profession.


A two-hour long video script is approximately 120 pages.


A 15 page short story should be mailed to an editor as Flat.


Where ever you submit, always follow the submission guidelines.  Never assume.



  • Writing Exercises


What if you walked  into a bar that's not a bar.


Your most treasured memory of your grandmother or grandfather.


What if you woke up and found......use your imagination.



  • What Is A Writer?

Every writer needs to believe. In themselves. In their work. The art of writing changes as does the changes of time. But the love of words remain steadfast and strong.


Yes, writers are an elite class of people. For wthin each of us there's a desire, to write. express, share thoughts, views and ideas. We look for that pat on the back, the praise, recognition. For writing well done. To see our name in print. A sense of self accompishment.


Far too many of us have collections of promising articles and stories in various stages of incompletion. Fearing of not believing in ourselves. Fearing rejection. We personally are not being rejected. Our writing is. It may not be exactly what the editor be looking for. Disappointing? of course. End of the world? no!.


Close your eyes, imagine you are an editor facing hundreds of equally qualified submissions. But the need is a mere handful for one issue. You see, editors jobs are not that easy. Move on, because rejections are not signs of failure. Each rejection brings us closer to acceptance.


Continue to write and rewrite those articles, stories and essays to perfection. Editors are busy people. Remember we are trying to make a sale. Continuously submitting, improving our craft, coming up with new ideas and angles is our job. We must know each publication and guidelines. We must know the expectations of the editor. Follow their every instruction. Remember they are in control.


We need them. It's not the other way around. Make sure every submission is error free. Proof read many times. Never rely on spell checkers alone. They do miss errors. There is no perfect system out there. Put it aside for a day or two. Be positive that each submission, envelope, cover letter and hard copy is clean and professional looking.


So let's get to the post office, mail out those pride and joys. Each E mail and postal submission must remain clean and professional. Follow the guidelines of the publication. There is no excuse for sloppy work. Never be cute in e-mails or postal cover letters. Be professional through out. Never address the person by their first name, even if they do.


Are you staring at a blank computer screen, thinking: "What am I going to write, I can't think of anything?"


Write as it flows to mind. The rest will follow. Even if it makes no sense. Just get those thoughts down first. As long as you write daily. Don't be hard on yourself, have fun.Start your story where ever is convenient for. It doesn't matter at this point.


You must write something, Write anything daily. Whatever it is, it's far better than nothing. Take a break. Get inspired by looking out the window, taking a walk. Observe, taking in everything. I prefer recording those notes on my mico-recorder. You may choose a small pad and pen.


Once you are refreshed, write down what you observed. The longer you don't write -the more difficult it becomes, Write, write, write.


My micro-recorder and pocket-sized notebook are with me where ever I go. Not only have they been instrumental in keeping notes for ideas that are captured through my days journey but has done wonders in my readbacks. My nightstand have both, just in case.


Goals must be in short attainable steps, easily within your grasp. Otherwise they are useless and you won't be able to determine if they've been met. As long as it's realistic and attainable. It has to work for you. It's great to have big dreams.


Don't ever stop dreaming. But you need a plan with goals. Step by step to get there. Without a plan you go nowhere or you go in circles accomplishing nothing.


Have a writing plan, a goal. Review your progress once a week to find. You will need to know if you are on schedule, ahead of schedule, or falling behind.


If your first three months haven't brought you any closer to your goal, don't waste another three, doing exactly the same thing! Revise accordingly. Be realistic. Goals are like maps, they guide you to where you wish to go.


The beauty of goals they can be changed as needed.Beware of Scams. Never pay to have your work read or published. They are to pay you.


Most poetry magazines do not pay. It's sad but true. If an editor accepts your work, that's fantastic. You are one more step closer to success.


Check businesses out with the Better Business Bureau. If a red flag goes up in your mind, listen to it. Remember anyone can hang a sign out saying they are such and such. But are they legitimate and honest?


NEVER give up your source of income. Keep your job. There are no guarantees in this writing profession as you are starting out. You will need food on the table, a roof over your head, heat to warm you in the cold of winter and air conditioning in the sweltering heat. You and your family come first. You know I'm being realistic.


It's too easily to get side-tracked if your goals are unrealistic. Don't listen to those sure fire secrets to success in many writing magazines and web search. They do offer up a hefty advice on writing ideas. But they fail to mention the strategies are not for everyone.


Beware of those writing magazine advertisements that try luring your monies out of your pocket into theirs. Hold tight to your dreams, goals, monies.


Writing classes could help you toward your long-term goals. Thoroughly investigate. Ask questions. Most importantly will they provide you the knowledge you seek? What are their credentials? How long have they been in business? Be careful when disclosing your personal information, especially online. Above all get everything in writing, signed receipts with dates.So what Kind of writer do you wish to be?


First-timers sometimes negotiate their own book contract if they have no agent. It is advisable to get an agent. Contracts may range from three pages to fifteen pages or more. Much of what is within the contract smply states the rights of the author and publisher issues which may be negotiable are:


Advance. Royalties Various rights being sold and purchased. usually listed near the end of a contract.


To understand the basic language of the contract you should consult with a lawyer. Contracts are not always clearly written. Never sign anything you do not understand.


There are so many paths to choose in the field of writing. Do you picture yourself as a successful novelist? Writing the evening news? How about political speeches?


Are you interested in scientific journals or university magazines? Academic writing may be for you. When academic magazine writers are published, it is considered an honor. There's no other pay for it.


Those articles help them keep their jobs as teachers, professors and/or scientists. The published articles or books are results of years of studies within the writers' field, and can make or break careers. Aspiring writers should steer away from this type of work:


Article writers write short pieces on specific topics or news items. The market for write well-written articles are vast. Article writers can be freelancers or staff writers. Travel writers, food writers, medical writers are specialists on their topic and usually write for many magazines. Experienced writers with a deeply specialised knowledge can make a very good living in commercial, pro-level magazines.


Commercial newspapers and business magazines hire both freelancers and staff writers, for their Business Writing. Read by high-income readers. Business writing is considered well paid work, and there are many markets both on and off line.


Columnists follow and comment on trends rather than news. Columns are a staple item in newspapers, magazines and newsletters. The better class of columnists are syndicated with their columns appearing in hundreds of newspapers. Larger newspapers and magazines have staff journalists with an established name who provide the regular columns.


Copywriters are among the best-paid writers in the business. All marketing is written to sell the consumer something. Evoking the interest and enthusiasm about a product while retaining the readers' trust. A dollar or more per word is quite attainable for average freelancers, and many copywriters are staff writers in marketing bureaus.


Erotica writers requires a lurid imagination with a handful of standard plots and formulaic scripts that most erotic stories follow. If the writing is very good, many may be on contract with advance royalties. They mostly work as freelancers.


Freelance writers do not make their living of one full-time writing engagement. Many beginning writers will find freelancing work a lot easier to get than staff writing positions, but only veterans working full time can make a decent living from it.


Game Writers create and write all of the surroundings,the plots, dialogue and characters used in a game. This is usually done with with a team. Larger game companies have staff writers, but most of the small studios selling game prototypes to the big companies engage freelancers.


Ghost writers write for other people as if they were these persons. The writer must plan the book with the client, perform a number of interviews, do research on the topic (in order to understand it) and be able to capture the client's writing style. The work is challenging, requires substantial people skills and much patience -- considerable rewrites are often necessary. Naturally, the ghostwriter is obliged not to reveal his or her work in the book.


Grant writers are copywriters in a class of their own. Specialised skill to write applications for grants from governmental and private institutions that hand out cash for various purposes. Requires knowledge of both law and business language.


Journalists are the writers read by the most people; working in the national and local newspapers and magazines that are read every day by millions of people. The one unbreakable rule: Keep the deadlines.

Many journalists are freelancers, Full time and experienced journalists, usually make a living. Part-timers can make a respectable side income.


Non-fiction book writing is like article writing. Requires fact research for accuracy.Most non-fiction writers work with a publisher one book at a time, just like novelists.


Novelists {authors} write fiction books that are approximately 200,000 words long for some genres; They must keep track of the progress of plots and each characters' development. Requires an abundance of planning and patience.


Online writers are freelancers who do their writing for websites and e-zines. Unfortunately this vast market are based on getting work from authors for free. It is possible to make a modest living. It's great for those just starting out. Remember to keep that day job to pay your bills with food and shelter.


Play writers: The number of beginning playwrights out numbers those who get are successful. Amateur theatre companies accepts the occasional manuscript, but there's very little income in that. Radio is a market, if you can get in.. To get a play script accepted it is not essential to live in the right place But it is essential have the right connections in the theatre business.


Poetry doesn't sell, here in the United States. Over seas, such as the United Kingdom the market is booming. Beware of contests where the top prize is an anthology that you are asked to purchase, Beware of anyone that ask money up front.

There are poetry websites and e-zines purchase the occasional poem for small sums, Unfortunately poetry writers can not make a living. Perhaps someday this could change. If enough of us got together and changed it.


Resume writers take the information given by the client, interview the client to find out further information. To focus on the clients most important accomplishments.


Reviewers must be informative and entertaining without repetitiveness.


Screen writers write scripts for motion pictures and television. Script acceptance is as difficult as getting a book published. Getting movie scripts accepted. That is why it is best to reside within the vicinity of the studios in order to be able to do changes during production. Networking is very important.


Song writers, Many musicians are songwriters as well. As with screenwriting, living close enough to the studios is important.


Speech writers. We know many leaders can't write speeches for larger audiences. That's why corporate heads and politicians depend on talented speechwriters to shape and liven up their messages into friendly speeches.


Staff writers are staffed by larger newspapers, magazines, marketing bureaus, publishing houses and companies with permanent needs for writing work. Staff writers are told what to write as well as not to write. Deadlines are extremely vital.


Story writers are freelance writers. Specialists in writing short tales of many genres of fiction. Before moving on to book-length stories, many well known authors began as story tellers.


Technical writers requires the expertise in the professional levels of knowledge in the relevant technology and product fields. Though often employed as staff writers in bigger companies, many easily find work as freelancers for small companies.


Translators are usually freelancers; exceptions happen in major news-publishing companies where translations must be done urgently. Becoming a professional translator sometimes requires a degree.


So whatever your choice in writing, be determined. Be dedicated. Don't ever give up your dreams or goal. It's a long road, paved with hard work and rejections. I'll see you on the other side of the rainbow.


Keep writing, Keep on Smiling.



  • Making Sense Of Verbs

An active verb Shows the subject experiencing or doing something.



Joe closed the door. Laura heard her barking dog.



The door was closed by Joe. A barking dog was heard by Laura.



Dianne and Trisha painted the walls.


PASSIVE: The walls were painted by Dianne and Trisha.

A sentence that is in the passive voice, shows the subject is acted upon. Rather than taking action. You always want believable story characters. Always create a vivid picture for your reader. Always avoid unnecessary words.

Beware of passive voices that causes a character to disappear.



The crowd pushed so hard, fights were seen from the the roof top. The police had to be alerted immediately.

Okay what's wrong here?

Who's seeing the fights? Who's going to call the police?

Make your character the subject and give them an active role.



As the crowd pushed, Joe saw the fights as he watched from the roof top. He needed to alert the police department immediately.

So you need to cause an action, a motion of change for your character. Active and Verb means action, existence and occurance.

So many writers are unsure of making sense of verb tenses. Let's briefly look at this. We'll go into depth the next time around.

One thing you need to be, is always be consistent. There are many stories written in past and present tense.

Which ever tense you select, stay with it. If you totter, you may lose your readers.


Keep writing, keep on smiling.



  • Email Queries Do's and Don't's


Do... Email queries when possible.   Always be professional and brief.  Always highlight revelent background or publishing credentials.  Highlight a two sentence hook or pitch. Summarize the rest of your book in one paragraph.   Thank the agent for reviewing your query. Include the title of your work.  Is your project fiction or nonfiction?  Email one agent at a time.


Don't... Address your query to Whom it may Concern.  No unusually small, cutesy, fancy fonts. If an agent just rejected you..wait a week before a follow up query. No more than one work query at a time.



  • Book Proposals

Include the following  within 12 pages. The outline. Sample chapter. Introduction. Overview.The Market. Competition.Publicity and promotion.



  • Common Sense Writing Rules


Write scenes from the point of view of a particular character. the one whose view best brings the scene to life. Concentrate on the characters voices speaking who they are and how they feel about what they see and what's going on.

Never use a Verb other than "Said"  to carry a dialogue.

Never use an adverb  to modify "Said"

Control those Exclamation points.

Sparingly use Regional dialogue.

Avoid detailed character descriptions.


  • Compelling Synopsis Reads

Hook the editor with your first sentence, then summarize your story. 

Stay focused 
Present only the skeletal information. Make it eye pleasing.

the editor what you want them to know...don't tell.

Use  present tense to create a sense of urgency.  Eliminate unnecessary adjectives and adverbs..

Only name main characters, refer others according to their relationship.

end your synopsis with a cliff-hanger. Telling the editor to read the book to find the ending.



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